Saturday, 22 June 2013


I created this blog to keep track of what I do.
I imagine that having an open blog is the most socially acceptable alternative to thinking out loud.
Oh, and if someday what I do will be really successful and I'll be really extroverted about it, I'll have people come here.

What I do:
I like programming stuff, mostly in Javascript, and mostly games. I have a lot of other passions that come out at the most random times, but I will not talk about them here... probably.

So I have been developing a puzzle game, and I have showed it to people on facebook and Ludum Dare, and I had such good feedback. Unluckily, Facebook deleted my post thinking it was spam. Anyway here is the prototype I showed people:

The way I had originally made it was pretty weird, since I had the game be running in an iframe, and yeah. The problem was that each time a level was reset, the iframe reloaded.

Now, I am remaking, changing the game so that it won't have all this iframe nonsense. I am also doing it because in it didn't work for some reason. I will be hosting my game on since facebook found my other link to suspicious. I am going to also add more levels.

Oh, and people thought that level 15 was really hard. It looked like this.
Photo: Paul-Andre, I think you broke my brain

Anyway, with a swish of $ hg commit, I am now changing the game. I have these sliding animations going. Also, I am integrating a dialogue between levels, so the person can choose if he/she wishes to try and get par.

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