Today, it has been a productive day. I got an undo button working. To do that, I had to correct a few errors in BinaryData.js , a library that I made for easily manipulating grids of numbers. It's not the first time I spotted errors in my hand crafted library in production.
I also added the glow effect you can see in the picture if a level has been done in par steps. I also added persistent storage using the api. I hope I can trust.
When using the api for persistent storage, you have to make sure that you have no periods in the key. Otherwise it won't work properly.
I didn't add much levels, yet...
This may be considered as version 0.3.8 of the game. To get it to 0.4.0, I'll need to add a button to reset the storage, clean up my code, and force the player to solve a level before going to the next.
My last point, is that I got an email from Austin Hallock, one of the leading (if not THE leading) developer at, who said that he really liked the concept of Unsquare. Things have happened so rapidly, it's almost surreal.
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